😇How to use the Widget

This page will Describe you the Widget and how to use it for swapping

Step 1: Access the Swap Widget

  • Open the DApp or website that provides the swap widget.

  • Locate the swap widget on the page.

Step 2: Connect Your Wallet

  • Click on the “Connect Wallet” button, typically located at the top right corner of the widget.

  • Choose your preferred wallet from the list of supported wallets (e.g., MetaMask, WalletConnect, Coinbase Wallet).

  • Follow the on-screen instructions to connect your wallet.

Step 3: Choose the Blockchain Networks

  • Select the blockchain networks you are swapping from and to. For example, if you are swapping tokens from Ethereum to Binance Smart Chain, choose the respective networks.

Step 4: Select the Tokens

  • In the “From” section, select the token you want to swap. Click on the token symbol or name to open a list of available tokens.

  • Enter the amount of the token you want to swap.

  • In the “To” section, select the token you want to receive.

Step 5: Choose the Best Route

  • The widget will display multiple routes available for the swap. These routes may vary based on factors like liquidity, fees, and exchange rates.

  • Review the options and select the route that best suits your needs.

Step 6: Review Exchange Rate and Fees

  • The widget will display the exchange rate for the selected route.

  • Review the exchange rate and any additional fees that may apply (e.g., network fees, liquidity provider fees).

Step 7: Approve the Token (if required)

  • If this is your first time swapping a particular token, you may need to approve the token. Click the “Approve” button and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

  • Wait for the approval transaction to be confirmed on the blockchain.

Step 8: Execute the Swap

  • Once the token is approved, click on the “Swap” button.

  • A confirmation window will appear. Review the details of the swap (e.g., amount, exchange rate, fees).

  • Confirm the swap transaction in your wallet.

Step 9: Wait for Confirmation

  • The transaction will be submitted to the blockchain. You can monitor the progress in your wallet or on a blockchain explorer.

  • Once the transaction is confirmed, you will receive the swapped tokens in your wallet.

Step 10: Verify the Swap

  • Open your wallet and check the balance of the received tokens.

  • If everything is correct, you have successfully completed the token swap.

Last updated