⛓MAYA Aggregators

This explains how the MAYA aggregator contract links ChainFlip and MAYA and can be sued to swap tokens on our widget

This diagram shows the basic working of the Swap

Solidity Code: TokenSwapperAggregator

address: 0x97e5889979f62669B3923b106151AF71A8cd900d

This Solidity smart contract, TokenSwapperAggregator, facilitates token swaps across different blockchain networks using the Maya Protocol and Chainflip.

Key Components

  1. Imports and Contract Declaration

    • The contract imports IERC20 for ERC-20 token interactions and IMAYACHAIN_ROUTER for interactions with the Maya Protocol router.

    • It is designed for the Arbitrum mainnet, with a specific address for the Maya router contract.

  2. State Variables

    • routercontract: An instance of the Maya Chain Router contract, used for performing cross-chain token swaps.

    • CFVAULT: A constant address for a Cross-Chain Vault contract.

  3. Events

    • CCMReceive: Emitted when a cross-chain message is received, including details about the source chain, message, token, and amount.

  4. Constructor

    • Initializes the contract with the Maya Chain Router address.

  5. Functions

    • performSwap: Initiates a token swap using the Maya Router contract. It requires a vault address, the asset to swap, a memo, an expiration time, and the amount to swap.

    • cfReceive: Handles incoming cross-chain messages. It checks if the message is from the expected Cross-Chain Vault, decodes the message, performs a token transfer, and then calls performSwap to complete the swap.

JavaScript Code

This JavaScript code interacts with the TokenSwapperAggregator contract using the Chainflip SDK and Maya Protocol for token swaps. It is intended to be run in a Node.js environment and handles the process of quoting and executing swaps.

Key Components

  1. Imports and Setup

    • Imports the Chainflip SDK and Ethers.js library for interacting with Ethereum and Arbitrum networks.

    • Sets up the Chainflip SDK and an Ethers.js provider for the Sepolia testnet.

  2. Main Function

    • Gas Calculation: Retrieves gas fee data from the provider and calculates the gas budget for the transaction.

    • Quote Request: Creates a quote request to get an exchange rate from Ethereum to Arbitrum using the Chainflip SDK.

    • Maya Protocol Quote: Sends a GET request to Maya Protocol to get the quote for swapping ARB.ETH to ETH.USDC, including inbound address, memo, and expiry time.

    • Wallet Setup: Configures a wallet with a private key to execute the swap.

    • Execute Swap: Uses the Chainflip SDK to execute the swap. This involves specifying the source and destination chains and assets, the amount to swap, and metadata for the cross-chain message (ccmMetadata). It then sends the transaction using the wallet.

How They Are Interlinked

  1. Cross-Chain Token Swap

    • The Solidity contract (TokenSwapperAggregator) uses the Maya Protocol to facilitate cross-chain swaps by interacting with the Maya router. The JavaScript code provides the necessary information and performs the swap operation using the Chainflip SDK.

  2. Token Transfer and Swap Execution

    • In the Solidity contract, the cfReceive function receives cross-chain messages, performs token transfers, and initiates swaps by calling performSwap.

    • In the JavaScript code, after receiving quotes and setting up the transaction details, the executeSwap function of the Chainflip SDK is called to perform the actual swap on the Ethereum and Arbitrum networks.

  3. Integration Points

    • The performSwap function in Solidity is called after receiving and decoding cross-chain messages. It utilizes the Maya Protocol for executing the swap.

    • The JavaScript code calculates gas fees, requests quotes from Chainflip and Maya Protocol, and executes the swap by sending the transaction to the TokenSwapperAggregator contract.

In summary, the Solidity contract handles the smart contract side of the swap, including receiving cross-chain messages and executing swaps via Maya Protocol, while the JavaScript code interacts with the Chainflip SDK to fetch quotes and perform the actual swap transactions.

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